There are considerable Partners of NetRDA this, due to the methodology of the centre. NetRDA always require partnership in inplemeting its products. We are aware that, the best and long term sustainable achived product come through partnership and colaboration.

Partneret tane karakterizohen nga serioziteti dinamizmi dhe efektiviteti ne pune. Partneret tane quhen te gjithe ata specialiste apo organizam qe kane nje marveshje partneriteti te perkoheshme apo pa limit me qendren tone.

Partneret jane vendas apo edhe te huaj. Ne respekt te puneve te ndryshme qe NetRDA ka realizuar me partnere te ndryshem ketu me poshte po japim listen tyre:

  1. RASP Rural Association Support Program
  2. IDRA
  3. DAR Kukes, Korce, Tirane
  4. Ulhberg-Advisory Germany
  5. FBD Germany
  6. Dhoma Tregetise dhe Industrise Durres
  7. Bashkimi Dhomave te Tregetise Tirane
  8. Globus Tirana
  9. PMK Tirana
  10. Dhoma Tregetise dhe Industrise Uzice Serbi
  11. GLE dega Ceki
  12. Almakos Tirane
  13. BSC Albania
  14. ALBIC


web e-mail, Rr Durresit, P Teknoprojekt, Sh 2, Ap 7/4, Phone & Fax +355 4 2404584, mobil 0692046785 P.O. Box 2415/1, Tirana, Albania