Qershor NetRDA has signed the colaboration agreement, in order te realise the project October 2011 launche the NeMeWEA project in the presence of EU Delegation representative Mr.Clive Rombald, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Labour Social Issue Equal Chance Mrs.Filloreta Kodra, Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy Chief of SME and Etrepreneur Sector Mrs.Tefta Demeti, UN Woman, Businesses guided from Woman as weel as Civil Society Organisation. Attending the 18-th Meeting of the National SBA Co-ordinator' held during 17-18 May 2011 in instambul. Organsed from CEI, OECD, KOSGEB with support of EUROPEAN COMISSION Signing a service contract with BAS (Busines Advisor Support). Carring out a market survey. June-August 2011 Service Contract with Labour Office region Kukes within the framework of ILO program for inspiring SME and formalising their business. May -July 2011 NetRDA awarded with privce "EKOLEVIZJA" due to the best enviromental project for the year 2010 |
Invited from Ministry of Work Labour and Immigration, NetRDA participated on "European Conference on the Social Economy" 6-8 May 2010, Toledo. In close collaboration with RASP (Rural Association Support Programme) NetRDA has realised a round table on aprill28th in Kukes. Activities presentation "Growth Albania" project financed from USAID and administred from Chemonics also pontetial rajonal posibilities supporting development. Participating Business representatives, Local Govermnet, Chamber of Commerc and regional Banks. NetRDA participated on "Seminar on EU Enviromental Policy for Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries to the EU" taken place in Madrid & Barcelona organized by the IUEE Institut Universitari d'Estudis Europeus in joint effort with the AECID Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation" NetRDA offer service for Supporting National Agriculture Products "Agrofresh MANA". Increasing the freshness period of agro-fruits produtcs from 1-2 week to 4-12 weeks. An Innovation sourced from nano-technology use. May-December 09. Drying Oven for fruits, vegetables, herbs and pastry. Drying up to 10 kv within 12-15 hours. Owen capacity is diferential refer the user needs. Drying costs are very low. NetRDA offers consultancy & services to business and students for AutoCAD 2009. August-December 09. NetRDA subcontracted from EPTISA guinding survey for per survein for Local Goverment Servcies. December 08 -febuary 09. You will find the Survey Results for a)Busineses b)Peoples, c)Officials questionaires layout in Project Rubric. In the second week of November 08 has realzed IT training for HCJ (High Council of Justice) in coolaboration with AECID (Agency of Espane for Collaboration and International Development) NetRDA with a PHF (Partnership in Health Foundation, during the August 08, has realized a studi on "TRAINING PROGRESS ABOUT HIV/AIDS KNOWLEDGE" NetRDA, November 08 January 09, providing Technical Assistance for technological solution in Paper Mill Elbasan. |
Euro Diesel 1 Liter 125 Lek Unleaded Gasoil 1 Liter 130 Lek Gaz 1 Liter 55 Lek |
EU open calls for VET Vocational Education Training If you want to get free lesson on foreing language click on link here below http://www.euronews.net/en/services/lessons/ NetRDA, 4 DAYS Training for "Regional Development Base of Sustained Development" |